“Seeing Things” is a journey from the grimey alleys of Brooklyn to the shimmering skyscrapers of Manhattan, from the Deserts of New Mexico to the cages of a zoo on an Alien space ship. Conjuring images from your daydreams and nightmares, brokeMC flexes his storytelling prowess to the lush rhythmic backdrops provided by SF Bay Area beatsmith Dozer.
WEBSITE: https://www.brokemc.com
LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY
ACTIVE: 2000 – 2013
the tuning fork in your mayonnaise – the wings pulled off your walkman – the spoonful of hope in your coffee – the gumwrapper under your bed – your lucky nickel – the duct tape holding your shoes together – an enemy of the statement – a friend of vagabonds and scallywags – and the toothfairie’s brass knuckles.